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Le Roi qui a trahi - Martin Allen
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Edward Windsor: on peut dire que c'est documente de Etienne Lorenceau le jeudi 06 janvier 2005 à 03h32

Certains des livres de Bloch qui se pose en defenseur de la virginite d'Edouard Windsor contiennent meme des reproductions de lettres prouvant certaines incontestables trahisons (evidament les plus legeres mais qui auraient suffi a vous faire fusiller sa l' epoque si vous vous etiez appele Raoul Torcheboeuf).

Carter, Miranda. Anthony Blunt: his lives. Farrar Straus & Giroux, New York - 2001.
The Russian spy who was charged by Georges VI to erase the tracks of the treachery in favor of the Nazis by Edward Windsor and Wally Simpson. His story, known by the Queen as from 1964, was kept as a State secret until Margareth Thatcher denounced him in 1976.

Windsor, Prince Edward. Edward on Edward Time Life Video, 1996. VHS-Time Life Video.
For decades, the British royal family had kept silent about the scandal that nearly destroyed their monarchy: the abdication of Edward VIII to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson. Now, for the first time, a member of the Royal family dares to tell the entire inside story. Prince Edward Windsor (the youngest son of Queen Elizabeth and grand nephew of Edward VIII) explores the romance that shocked the world> From their forbidden affair to their lavish life in exile, Edward on Edward probes the private life of the century's most celebrated couple and shares many startling revelations: Exclusive footage and family photos never before made public reveal the opulent private world of Edward and Wallis, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. The Duke's personal papers, until now locked in the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle, detail the Royal family's bitterness toward him and their utter comtempt for Wallis. Diplomats and foreign agents speak publicly about Hitler's plan to return the Duke to the throne as a puppet king. The Windsor's closest friends and servants recall the Duke and Duchess's life of splendor; the breathtaking homes, the lavish parties, even their legendary shopping sprees. At last, the Royal family's silence is broken. Edward on Edward is as far an account of Britain's most devastating scandal as a Royal family member could admit, but is still far behind the truth.

Windsor, Duke of. A King' s Story - The Memoirs of The Duke of Windsor. G.P.Putnam's Sons, New York - 1947.

Ziegler, Philip. King Edward VIII. Collins, London - 1991.
Operation Willi and apparently, from the latest releases by the British crown, the most accurate on the abdication.

Other works mentioning Operation Willi:
WS Memoirs
Whiting, Charles. Heydrich, Henchman of death
Weitz, John. Hitler’s diplomat: the life and times of Johachim von Ribbentrop.
Polmar, Norman & Allen, Thomas B. The Encyclopedia of Espionage
Bloch, Michael. Ribbentrop: a biography.
NARA: Name Cards 1940-1949 Name Index to the Decimal File 1940-1944 RG 59 Entry 199C, Box 25 Ribbentrop Schellenberg. Location: 250/48/30/07
Windsor, Prince Edward. Edward on Edward Time Life Video, 1996. VHS-Time Life Video
Windsor, Duke of. A King' s Story - The Memoirs of The Duke of Windsor.
Evans, Rob. Hencke, David. Wallis Simpson, the nazi minister, the telltale monk and an FBI plot. Guardian Newspaper Ltd Sturday June 29, 2002
Kersten, Felix. The Memoirs of Doctor Felix Kersten.
Waller, John H. The devil’s doctor: Felix Kersten and the secret plot to turn Himmler against Hitler
Carter, Miranda. Anthony Blunt
Costello, John. The Mask of Treachery : Spies, Lies, Buggery & Betrayal: The First Documented Dossier on Anthony Blunt's Cambridge Spy Ring
Decaux, Alain. Dossiers secrets de l'histoire, Mata-Hari, Weygand, Staline, Raspoutine, mort de Jean Chiappe, Lionel Crabb, Kennedy. Librairie académique Perrin 1966. Detailed account of Goering and Hitler’s reactions before, during and immediately after Hess’s flight. A good unmasking of another of WS’s lies

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