United Nations Statement on Murder of European Jews - Ce que savaient les Alliés - forum "Livres de guerre"
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Edition du 24 décembre 2009 à 10h12

Ce que savaient les Alliés / Christian Destremau

En réponse à
-1Chronologie des informations sur le massacre des Juifs de Laurent Laloup

United Nations Statement on Murder of European Jews de Laurent Laloup le jeudi 24 décembre 2009 à 09h54

“The attention of the Governments of Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Luxemborg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the USA, the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northen Ireland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Yugoslavia, and the French Committee of National Liberation, has been drawn to numerous reports from Europe that the German authorities, not content to denying to persons of Jewish race in all the territories over which their barbarous rule has been extended the most elementary human rights, are now carring into effect Hitler's often repeated intention to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe. From all the occupied countries Jews are being transported, in conditions of appaling horror and brutality, to Eastern Europe. In Poland, which has been made the principal Nazi slaughterhouse, the gettoes established by the Nazi invaders are being systematically emptied of all Jews except a few highly-skilled workers required for war indestries. None of those taken away are ever heard of again. The able-bodies are slowly worked to death in labour camps. The infirm are left to die of exposure and starvation or are deliberately massacred in mass executions.

The number of victims of these bloody cruelitis is reckoned in many hundreds of thousand of entirely innocent men, women and children.

The above-mentioned Governments and the French National Committee condemn in the strongest possible terms this bestial policy of cold-blooded extermination. They declare that such events can only stengthen the resolve of all freedom-loving people to overthrow the barbarous Hitlerite tyreny. They reaffirm their solemn resolution to ensure that those responsible for this crimes shall not escape retribution, and to press on with the necessary practical measures to this end.”

(December 17, 1942)


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